Safeguarding and Site Safety
All children have a right to be safe and it is the school’s duty to take every possible measure to safeguard all children. All staff have up to date Safeguarding training and the school has clear procedures for dealing with any concerns or incidents. We work with parents and carers in an open and transparent way when concerns are raised, but our first responsibility is always to the children in our care and how we can most effectively safeguard them. We have effective working relationships with outside agencies who support us and our families as necessary. Our full policy is available from the school office or in the policy section of this website.
The designated person for Safeguarding is the Headteacher, Ms McKenna or in her absence the Deputy Headteacher, Mr Burnett or the Assistant headteacher, Mrs Ward. All staff, visitors, partners and parent volunteers are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities. Our link Governor for Safeguarding is Mrs Rhonda Crosby.
Please help us to keep our school and its surrounding area safe for all children by:
- Parking responsibly around school with an awareness of the surrounding building site/s and associated traffic
- entering via a pavement and gate, not the drive, if walking, cycling or scooting - cycling in via the drive is not recommended and is at parents/carers' discretion and risk
- If cyckling or scooting, dismounting at the gates (we have a bike/scooter rail and scooter pods as you enter the secure line of the school)
- Driving no faster than 5mph in the car park
- Parking only in designated bays
- Reporting immediately to the school office when visiting the school during the day
- Staying with, and supervising your children in the morning until they have entered the building and at the end of the day when leaving the site (children should not climb fences, play on the road, enter car parking areas, use bikes and scooters on the yard, play on the climbing equipment on the yard)
- Informing us if you are going to be late or if your child is being picked up by an adult not known to us
- Following the Dogs on Site Policy - no dogs beyond the secure line, only in the car park area and if tethered to the fence, beyond the temporary bus stop
- Not smoking or vaping on the school site
- Reporting any suspicious or unsafe behaviour and incidents to us immediately