


What are Outcomes?


At Havannah First School, when we talk about outcomes for pupils we are referring to all aspects of their learning and development. We assess children's progress in different ways and celebrate every step in their learning, no matter how small or big.



Attainment refers to whether or not children have reached the expected level related to their age and National Curriculum year Group. We can compare this with other schools and cohorts within school. In all year groups, we assess against age related expectations (as defined in the National Curriculum) and track this throughout the year to make sure that all children are making at least good progress.



Progress refers to the rate of learning and how well children are moving on in their learning.  


When children are not at age related expectation or are not making good progress, we target and intervene to provide support to ensure that everyone is learning as well as they can in school.

We know from our observations and data that the children in our school family make excellent progress in the time that they spend with us. We all take great pride in seeing how our pupils grow, learn and prepare for the next stage in their education.

The links to the right show the outcomes for 2021/22 for Early Years, Year 1 phonics and Year 2 SATs. All of our outcomes shown are higher than Newcastle and National averages.


Summer 2022 Data



Y1 Phonics


Multiplication check






Expected + 77%



Expected + 78%



Expected + 78%


29% scored 25/25


80% scored 20 +


91% scored 16 +


You can access the DfE School and College Performance Tables Service by clicking