
Introduction and SEND Information Report

Havannah First School is a fully inclusive school. We ensure that all pupils are supported to reach their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, physical ability or educational needs. We recognise, and value, the need for a full range of educational and pastoral support. In addition to a SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) and well experienced Teaching Assistants we work very closely with various professionals from a wide range of outside agencies.


Parents can also contact their local Newcastle Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service for impartial information, advice and support in relation to their pupil’s SEN and/or disability.


The Newcastle Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service can be contacted on 0191 2116255 or by email: sendiassadmin@newcastle.gov.uk


More information about our school


Havannah First School is situated in Great Park in Gosforth, which is a residential area to the north of Newcastle upon Tyne and we are part of the Gosforth Pyramid Family of Schools and the Gosforth Schools' Trust. The Pyramid gives a smooth transition for our pupils across the 3 tier system of schools and establishing a trust means that there is even more natural progression in learning for our pupils. As a First School our pupils are between the ages of 4 and 9 (Reception to Year 4). 


At Havannah First School we are extremely proud of our school, its work and its outcomes. We work hard to create and sustain a warm, welcoming and caring atmosphere within which staff, pupils, their families and visitors to the school feel accepted and secure. The very positive and inclusive ethos is characterised by excellent relationships within school and between the school and each child’s home. We want everyone who works in or visits our school to enjoy the experience and to feel the satisfaction of making a positive and valued contribution.


Our most recent Ofsted report said that…


“The quality of teaching continues to improve because of your resolute focus on this aspect of the school’s work and the range of personalised staff training and development provided. This improvement in the quality of teaching and a sharper focus on pupils who may be at risk of falling behind are accelerating the progress that pupils make in their learning. This is particularly the case for disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities.”  (Ofsted letter, March 2018).